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Search Results for: caught

Veronica & David :: caught!

At Veronica and David's wedding ... we balanced earrings on shoes. photo bombed formals. got fancy with the rings. took silly pictures with cake. twice.... and made lots of new...

Erica & Ben :: Caught!!

Things got a little zany with Vivian around. Hugo and I arrived before anyone else so we made ourselves at home and set up lighting. Then we stole flowers from the florist and gave her a heart attack. Meredith coordinating. Me being a dork. Handsome Hugo. And then there was Vivian ... photo bombing the cake. And telling us how to do our jobs. That's the finger that says "take another one!" Hugo being patient with the rings. Planners being silly. Photographer being deadly. Banquet captain being a...

Courtney & Brandon :: caught!

While I was preparing images for today's post, I was wondering why sometimes there are more caught images than other times. Are we feistier that day? Do we just have more free time? Are there more lighting changes that we need to account for? Well, whatever it is, there were a lot of images from Courtney & Brandon's day that I want to share with you! We started the afternoon at the Renaissance Worthington hotel where we found a lovely pillow that matched their wedding colors and Vivie spent 30 minutes balancing...

Elicia & Sean :: caught!

Elicia and Sean's wedding day turned very eventful, very early on. What began with us leisurely photographing details turned quickly into O CRAP! mode when I moved too quickly and didn't have a good grasp on my camera. It went careening off a chair - about a foot off the ground - and dropped along with my telephoto, onto the ceramic floor. The angle of impact, in addition to the weight of the lens attached  cracked the front and made it inoperable. Crap. I sat down on the floor for a moment, mostly chastising myself for...

Sarah & Clark :: caught!!

I am particularly amused by the caught images from Sarah & Clark's wedding - they are the perfect representation of all of the silliness and hilarity that we experienced on their wedding day. Need a mirror? Then you need a Vivie. Here a Vivie, there a Vivie. Everywhere there's a Vivie. And a Lynnie, too. Left: Vivie signals that we have another successful  First Glance / Right: I'll call this Lynn spreads out during the ceremony. Vivie photo bomb. Lynn photo bomb. Vivie and I demonstrating our cake cutting...

More, More Caught!

We made fantastic friends with Corbin & Dave of Soulbox Productions. There is nothing like enjoying a lovely wedding alongside a crazy fun pair of...

More Caught!

This year, Vivian and I had a handful of secret weddings. What's a secret wedding? Well if I told you, I would have to kill...

Lauren & Andrew :: caught!

The problem is that it was early and we were having way too much fun. The first thing we found outside was a perfectly placed hook  in the entryway and we took advantage of it. But not before I pulled out the security system sign and ran around with it. Um, I think we returned the sign when we were done. More dress hanging fun. Vivie in the perfect lighting shooting the most sweetest first look. We met the most fun videographers - Splendor Films. Love them. We'll call this Lynn & Vivie posing on the dance...

Deanna & Oscar :: caught!

You know how you stick with a hair stylist that isn’t rocking your world completely just because you are scared that you will hurt their feelings or that another one will just suck more? That’s about where I was in 2006 when I decided to break up with my stylist. So I called this salon down the street from my place and I got a very jolly gentleman on the phone named Drew. I’m sure Drew could hear the guilt in my voice as I said I was looking for a new stylist that was “good with long hair and not...

Megan & Oliver :: caught!

It is nothing short of a pleasure to be recommended to a bride by another photographer. Especially when that photographer is in the wedding party and is the sister of the groom. It's also amazing to be able to spend a lovely Friday afternoon with my awesome Jessica, who came in to assist and shoot and just keep things going awesome. There are about a bazillion caught images of me from Megan & Oliver's wedding, mostly of my backside. So I hope you like me. And my backside. Here I am sporting a lovely cat scratch from...