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Search Results for: caught

Tami & Kevin's Epics

And now I would like to demonstrate the very tricky swan dive position! This was caught by my assistant and it just cracks me up. My husband, on the other hand, just had a panic attack because I'm holding the camera precariously. What he doesn't know is that I can total palm it...

Kristen & Mike's Wedding, Part Deux

My photographers and I have a secret gallery hidden away called "CAUGHT!". (Yes, it's written in all capital letters and has exactly one exclamation point). There reside all the photos that we have accidentally walked through, cast a shadow upon, or just looked like a complete doofus in. We throughly enjoy this gallery and I often just peek through it for a quick, cheap laugh.At several weddings we have looked up to find ourselves being photographed by a guest. Sometimes we pose; sometimes we get embarrassed. But we never...

Alicia & David's Wedding

I always say that my photography style and personality are versatile. Do you believe me yet?! And, yes, I got caught be goofy. But would you expect any less of me? David started it! I about feel over laughing when the groomsmen came down the aisle all wearing those glasses and silly noses. And the icing on the cake? The poor little flowergirl was walking backwards to trying figure out why everyone all of the sudden had a big nose and a mustache!...

Chelsea's Bridals

Chelsea reminded me of Jessica Rabbit with the way she played up to the camera. She had the pouty lips and the sensual look down. She wasn't too surprised when I jokingly started calling her Jess; I guess she has already admitted to herself that I am insane. Speaking of insane, she had the pleasure of witnessing my version of the Monty Python "Ministry of Funny Walks" skit AND she knew what I was talking about. This time around, we caught a break with the light breeze and ONLY 96 degrees. Looks like the heat is...