My devout stalkers have noticed a random decline in blog postings as well as some cryptic facebook messages. I absolutely hated keeping you lovelies in the dark but it was necessary until, well, the ink dried.

Here’s where I confess that my husband and cats have been living in Chicago for the past four months. Yep, that wasn’t fun in the least – although, missing litter box duty was not a bad thing at all! What can you say when your husband gets his dream job? You say “sure, you take the cats, we’ll sell the house and figure this whole thing out!”

I vowed to stay behind in Dallas until my wedding season neared to a close, which was the first weekend in December. However, life as always will throw a massive wrench at you and you either duck or learn to use the wrench. In my case, it was a shiny, pretty wrench with lots of angelic singing coming out of it – I received a call to interview for an opportunity in Chicago that made my brain blow up. In fact, it’s still sort of blowing up. My official title is Project Manager and my role will be utilizing my knowledge of social media, branding, and other buzz-worthy words for an organization that you all know and love. I’m not ready to write the company name on the internet, but it’s HUGE – like the size of a man!

I will be combining a big bag of all of the tools that I have used in my own business to get my name out, just on a much larger scale to appeal to this company’s target demographic – which happens to not be too far off from my wedding audience! And it all starts next Monday!

There are other things that will be happening concurrently such as some large speaking roles for various photographic organizations, so you bet your bottom that I am not leaving the wonderful world of wedding photography. Plus, I still have 15 weddings in Dallas. That’s a lot of flights and a lot of things to coordinate, but I am a project manager after all, I’ve got this!

I am still accepting wedding commissions for 2013 and beyond so please keep breathing if you just started to hyperventilate. Referrals from previous clients and sassy bridesmaids/groomsmen from previous weddings get special priority so please make sure you mention that in your correspondence. And speaking of correspondence, if anyone is still using my original lynn-michelle@sbcglobal dot net email address, it’s time to say goodbye to that. I had to part ways with AT&T during the move, which I think was way sadder than it should have been!

I purposely signed a one year contract instead of taking a full time role because I wanted to sit back and properly evaluate my time here. To see if the weather was really an issue and to see if my career was on the right track. So in the immortal words of Arnold Schwarzenegger “I’ll be back”.

I love you all. Everything I have done and everywhere I have gone has been because of each and every one of you. ♥