Special shout out to Chandi Warner of Music Creek Photography for entertaining me and lending a helping hand at Kellie & Jarrett’s wedding. She’s a riot and a half.

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It was all about the creative lighting inside the Irving Bible Church. The room is small and fierce. With no additional lighting assistance, this is what my camera saw inside the room:

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There was no amount of on-camera flash that was going to help.  Bounce up into the black ceilings? Nope. Bounce left or right into the gray walls? Nope. Either option was going to completely suck all of my flash and propel very little of it back on my subjects – so I added two off camera flashes for a total of three flashes during the ceremony to get a much cleaner and gorgeous light during the ceremony, which you can see in the image below. I was careful to cheat left or right of the light so that it wasn’t a beacon in the ceremony images. Check out the ceremony post on Wednesday to see how they turned out.

Of course, all of this was cleared with the bride before the ceremony. Kellie and I talked about lighting and discussed how to best capture the ceremony. And I happen to think that the results are delightful.