It’s obvious that Katie & Doug are extraordinarily stylish, but they are also incredibly kind and a such a pleasure to be around. I caught up with these two in Fort Worth where we enjoyed  a lovely summer day frolicking in the park as well as an impromptu bike ride. Well, impromptu for me, Katie & Doug already had the idea when I arrived as they wanted to pay homage to their lovely bike rides through Trinity Park. As soon as they shared their plans, my wheels started churning and I decided that Katie had to sit in the basket!They laughed at me, but I was serious and it was so incredibly perfect once it did happen that I think I did little cartwheels in my head.

Now synchronized bike riding in itself is a feat – there’s a reason you always stayed ahead of your friends and not beside them – but try holding hands and peddling at the same speed and it’s just a sight to behold. After take three, we made it happen and we also had the bonus of the perfect bit of sunlight peering through the trees.

After the park, we enjoyed more of a city feel in downtown Fort Worth at the T&P Station, which is perfect for Doug, who is an urban planner. And we laughed and photographed until the sun completely set. Magical.