Courtney and Brandon are getting married at Marty Leonard Chapel this year. As you know, MLC is my second home during the wedding season and client meetings with MLC couples go like this … basically me blubbering on about how much I love the chapel, the light, the architecture … rinse, repeat.

Turns out that Brandon loves architecture oodles, too, so we spent way too much time talking about it the ceiling. Courtney just shook her head and got down to business.

I photographed Courtney and Brandon on a rare Saturday earlier this spring. I have to admit that I haven’t shot portraits on a Saturday in years so I was taken aback at all of the photographers that we ran into. A lot! Many of them were blasting their flash into the sky in the middle of the day (yes, I make fun of that – if you are doing that stop it, stop it right now!) and a few stood around and gawked at us.  Hey, I wasn’t the one blasting flash into the sky, so it must have been because we were having a good old time and we were weaving around Lee Park like pros.

We pulled out the extreme sassy once we got to Deep Ellum. I just adored Courtney’s dress and Brandon’s shoes. I actually don’t think I have ever noticed a guy’s shoes before at a shoot, but these were exceptional. Props Brandon.

We continued to laugh and play all over the area as we went wall hopping. Here a red wall, here a purple wall, you get the idea. They picked the perfect colors to go with every wall, for realz.

But I think this was my favorite wall by far, and totally worth moving all of the broken glass and beer bottles for.