I rolled up to Angela & Robert’s engagement session chuckling – I had just been stopped by the Fairview police for speeding down North Central Expressway. Of course, getting a ticket is never the funny part. However, watching the police officer caress my car (twice!) as he walked towards my window brought on a sudden bout of hilarity. On the plus side, I now also know where Fairview is – and you betcha bottom I won’t be speeding through it again!

On another funny, but not so funny note, that day somehow seemed to be the last cold snap of the season. And that meant that lots of warm cuddling was necessary. Lucky for me, Angela & Robert were definitely into that sort of thing. We very much enjoyed a lovely stroll through downtown McKinney, and it gave us a chance to joke around and share some silly stories. I’m incredibly excited to see the beautiful wedding day that is going to unfold for these two!