When Nathan and I got married my mother in law, Denise, introduced me to a tradition they had had in their family every Christmas: purchasing a single keepsake ornament for the tree. So I started with the requisite “Our first Christmas” ornament and have every year tried to get one that really encompassed our year. Over the last 6 years, that has meant a couple of cat ornaments, as well as last year’s Santa “Honey Do List” commemorating the purchase of our first house.

Normally, I make the trek to Hallmark to pick one out. (Ok, not a real TREK per se because it’s a mile away, but if you have ever tried to shop in Valley Ranch you know of the insanity that abounds, especially during the holidays). However, this year they have all the goods online so I spent the morning trying to sum up 2009 in an ornament.

I ended up with 4 possibilities.

[ 1 ] Jingle Bell Rock – in honor of our hours of Rockband II play.

[ 2 ] The Twilight Zone – although this year wasn’t exactly Twilight Zoneish, it still kind of was.

[ 3 ] Galaga – we both did turn 30 this year. I’m feeling a little vintage.

[ 4 ] Teed-off Gopher – or perhaps I should fondly remember 2009 as the year that I committed herbacide with a 7 iron?

Which way are you guys leaning?