I’m beyond excited to announce that I am a Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) through the Professional Photographic Certification Commission!

I also wanted to take a moment to explain a little about the certification and why I sought to get those three beautiful initials after my name.  In the telecom world, I had all sorts of fun letters after my name … and it meant I knew my stuff. Those letters stood for hours of study, hands on training and passing comprehensive exams to test and retest your knowledge. Naturally, when I heard about the opportunity to receive Certified Professional Photographer Certification, I knew it was a chance to showcase the knowledge of my craft and to be in the company of professionals who, plain and simple, knew their stuff.

The CPP certification consists of two parts that can be completed in any order. I choose to do the image submission portion first was to submit 20 images that showcased technical proficiency in wedding day photography and portraiture. The second portion of the certification required me to pass a comprehensive written exam that tested my knowledge of everything from film development to digital file storage and just about everything in between.

I took the written portion of the exam while I was in Kentucky for my ProPhoto Summer School presentation so I had a nice plane trip to scrawl equivalent aperture, shutter speed and ISO calculations and subtractive/additive color combinations as the flight attendant carefully watched me out of the corner of her eye.

So here I am, with something that I super proud of …  a sweet new logo for my website !




Lynn Michelle, CPP