Just when I think I own every lens that I could ever want, someone lures me into the ‘what ifs’ by saying “you have try the xxxx, it will make your life complete”. And so the siren song of a new lens calls me in the middle of the night and I send an email to Canon and ask to borrow a lens, which may or may not make my life complete.

On the judges stand was the 85mm 1.8 lens. It’s quite lovely and lightweight at first touch.

For my photography friends, I just want to say that the lens is gorgeous and now that the 24-70II has been officially announced, I’m considering that as my first purchase before the 85mm or perhaps in lieu of it if it performs to my expectations.

For my sweet stalkers whose brains blew up from the sentence above: LOOK … KITTY!

canon 85mm 1.8 lens

canon 85mm 1.8 lens

canon 85mm 1.8 lens


Doesn’t he just want to make you scream “HE’S SO FUZZY!”?