The Photography Clique is so proud to support the amazing efforts of The Lena Pope Home! We are organizing a headshots event at Marty Leonard Chapel on Monday, August 13th to raise money for a very special event being put on by The Professional Wedding Guild of Fort Worth. PWG is thanking the employees of Lena Pope for everything they are doing for the Fort Worth community.  These lovely men and women work on countless events throughout the year, yet nobody throws them the party they deserve and this is where PWG comes in! The last couple of years have consisted of Domino’s pizza in a gym – not bad, but we know we can do better! So we are throwing them a kicking party to say thanks!

All of the proceeds from the headshot event will go directly towards this back to school/thank you party. Come on, it’s time to update your facebook and dating profiles and it’s for a really great cause!

The Photography Clique is comprised of four studios (Lynn Michelle Photography, Simple Moments Photography, Engaged Studio & Peyronet Photography) on a mission to educate brides and wedding vendors on choosing the right wedding photographer. We also host educational workshops for local photographers, focusing on the business aspect of the industry to make sure they are giving their clients the best possible experience.