I’m a professed techie geek. I love gadgets but I also really analyze and weigh new purchases, sometimes making a pros and cons list. Sometimes is an understatement, actually. I have ridiculous amount of  list making paper on my desk.

The big thing weighing on  me lately has been that my contract is almost up with my current mobile phone provider. Having had some un-fun customer service experiences with them over the years and knowing that I could save a nice chunk of money with another provider, I started my search for what would be my next phone. My current phone, well, it successfully makes phone calls and sometimes successfully sends text messages. It’s also a 3 year old Nokia flip phone. If you follow me on my facebook, all of my friends think that is “sooo 1999”.

So I looked at my mobile phone choices on my future network and, well, they still carry Nokia flip phones. (Hey, I’m just saying it’s still an option in case you didn’t know). But everyone and their dog now has a smart phone so I started looking at my Droid options. I mean, I do have an app in the Android Marketplace that I should probably use at least once in my life!  I started going through the pros and cons of having a smart phone. I already have a GPS in the car / I already have a wi-fi device for music & calendar / I’m always checking my email from the office. I can already do everything, but it involves using 3-4 devices to do it.

I did the next logical thing anyone in my place would do. I went to google and typed in “do I need a smart phone?”. Surprisingly others have asked the same question, but no one out there was saying “Yes, Lynn you  NEED a smart phone”. I still had 7 days to figure it out.

Yesterday, I marched into the T-mobile store. I pointed to the Nokia flip phone and I pointed to the MyTouch and the guy in there raised his eyebrow at me. I just sighed and said “I have no idea”.

So what did I do? I grabbed the smart phone. I guess I do need one. Now to start moving over contacts!