And this week on the blog we have Vanessa & Nathan’s wedding! We started our day at the Omni in Fort Worth, then moved on to Marty Leonard Chapel and The Modern Art Museum of Forth Worth. It’s obvious that my blog divulges how much I love all of those locations and how often we have the opportunity to photograph them.

I wanted to find a new location to photograph the dress so the image below shows me contemplating my decision while Vivian checks the lighting. We ultimately both agreed that this wasn’t working for us. Vivian, of course,  had already made that decision before I did.


This one isn’t exactly a caught image, but it was a masterpiece that I discovered on Vivian’s card. Part of me wonders if I post this, will it catch on as a new ‘fun thing’ to do at weddings?  I’m sure you are dying to know how she achieved this – she is happy to teach you for a measly $999. I’m kidding, it’s what happens when you are in HDR mode and you move during too quickly after the first capture. Go ahead, try it out and don’t forget to send your check to Vivie … care of Vivie Michelle Photography. Have I told you guys that joke? It’s a classic around these parts …


The adorable Vivian assisting Vanessa & her father into the chapel from the limo. Vivian is a smart cookie so she tucked herself behind them right after this shot, but doesn’t she look like she’s having oodles of fun here? She totally is.


Prepping Vanessa for her first look with Nathan. I’m always incredibly nervous & overly excited during these, but Vanessa was cool as a cucumber and just following my lead. Shout out to Nathan – he looks incredibly dapper!


How doesn’t love a little Vivie in their shot?


Another light test, another silly face.


I’d like to thank Angela Hall for taking this image of me in action during portraits. I am full on ninja here, with a pant pocket full of shtuff. I seriously love whoever invented back pockets. I couldn’t make it through a wedding day without them. In case you are wondering, there’s a cell phone and at least two lens caps back there because that’s how I roll.


Sharing all of my secrets to the perfect cake cutting with Vanessa & Nathan. I love how intently they are listening to me. After each explanation, I always add “don’t worry – it not possible to mess this up!”. And it really isn’t – every cake cutting looks professionally orchestrated when I’m looking at it afterwards on my computer, even when there was cake everywhere – and there usually is cake EVERYWHERE. MMM cake.


And since I am thanking people for their inventions … check out my Motorola Moto 360 watch that I got for Christmas last year. For you Apple people, it’s the Android version of the Apple Watch. It’s absolutely my favorite gadget on a wedding day, allowing me to easily deal with text messages, timelines, shotlists and all of that jazz on a wedding day without having to stop and mess with the phone. Now if you are wondering why my phone was in my pocket at the start of this post, I have no idea! << I actually rewrote that line a couple of times and tried to make up a good excuse, but I’m calling it quits on that one.
