There’s always a story to share when we work with Tami Winn and crew. I don’t think any of us were really prepared for what pairing us with Tami’s crew + Leslie + Todd + the crazy folk at Ashton Depot would really mean. Um, ya, stories.

And yet it started innocently enough – here’s Hugo hanging a dress up. Nothing exciting to report to report for a while …

As I was shooting the corsages in the hallway, I decided to take a snap shot of what the hall looked like before I got all comfortable in the middle of it and starting photographing flowers. You can find the lovely anywhere.

A little chaos before we started photographing the bridesmaids. There’s Jamie and Tami on the far right doing their thing. Still nothing too crazy to report, I’ll keep you updated I promise.

Lovely usher tying the bride’s sash. Nothing too out of the ordinary.

Hugo’s face.

Now we are at the reception site and Jamie gets an anatomically correct chicken, um, finger? We laughed for thirty minutes and made sure to get the chef.

At least the chef owned his creation and posed for a picture with it. I love that Jamie just plays along.

Vivie’s happy because she got fed. And her chicken fingers looked like fingers.

Purple-fingered Tami helping with the cake cutting. I wonder if Todd is thinking while he holds the knife like a machete.

And as the night went on, we had alcohol spilled everywhere, waiters pulled into the dance floor and random guests humping us. I was feeling a little zany.