I knew I loved Ana the second I got her email. It began “I have an opening for a new best friend …” It also included the following sentence: “we have about 50 people (half of them are degenerates so we’ll prob need only 25 photographed) …”

So I played along and responded “I am, however, a little concerned about your degenerate count as I like the degenerates to outnumber the “regulars” but I have a feeling we may be able to salvage this nonetheless.” I concluded with “Your new BFF, Lynn”.

We then got on a Skype call and I loved her even more! We started texting and emailing each other and most of the time we weren’t even talking about the wedding.

The day of the wedding – the first time we actually met in person – she came running at me, hugging me, twirling me around and introducing me like I truly was her bestest friend in the world. But this wasn’t just Ana, it was literally everyone at the wedding, too. I had 50 new best friends that night. I mean, half of them were probably degenerates but I’m still pleased as punch to call them all my BFFs.