It’s both a really good idea and a really bad one to get Michelle Peyronet and I together. Michelle & I  had some weekday downtime and we were eager to see how the other shot portraits so we swapped helping one another at bridals. Tiffany was the perfect client to dump all of the insanity on,  she got silly right along with us – as did her mom Melissa and maid of honor Nena!

I wanted to take a moment to thank the lovely ladies at Gold Dust Vintage Rentals for setting up the perfect furniture pieces for our shoot! It was the perfect mix of country and vintage awesomeness to really accent Tiffany’s style!

And now, a little glimpse to into the silliness : here’s all of us (left to right): Lynn, Tiffany, Nena, Melissa. And some wine, because every photo shoot needs a nice white to compliment it. Image by Michelle, because she did something.

Tiffany’s mom shooing the local kitty out of the image. Hehehe, you get that fuzzy little beast!