Angela brought along her mother and brother to her bridal portraits – what a wonderful opportunity it was to get to know them all!

We began the day at the historic YWCA, where she and Jerry got married a week later. I had never had the chance to really enjoy the ballroom in the soft afternoon light but there I was – enjoying the way the light played through the windows. Angela’s lace dress and bird cage veil made the room come alive with vintage charm and elegance.

We moved the fun to the Fort Worth Botanic Garden where we found ourselves in the middle of a festival there. Being the ever-enterprising photographer, I took us along the back way and was just about to gloat about some choice parking near the rose garden when an employee came up to us. Fearing that we would be kicked out (I did have a permit to shoot, just not sure if I was allowed to park there because of the festival!) I held my breath for a second. We didn’t get kicked out, turns out I got clocked for speeding TWICE on the garden grounds. I guess I can’t drive 20 🙂

Fear not, the warning was taken to heart and we got this amazing light …