Welcome to the inaugural addition of ASK GNOMIE where you can submit your questions for me anonymously through the ASK GNOMIE form or you can email me directly at lynn@lynnmichelle.com

I’ll start with the easy questions today 🙂

My first question comes from Clint, an avid follower of my blog and commenter of my statuses.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Ah, the age old question. I’ve personally never met a woodchuck so I’ve never asked the woodchuck how much wood he could chuck, but I feel like any wood that a woodchuck could chuck would be great because big things come in small packages.

The next three questions were sent anonymously …

After all of the commercials in recent months made by a certain travel dot com, are you still able to wear pointy red hats? (hand on hip) Of course, I do what I want (end hand on hip). In case anyone was wondering, yes, I do own a full human-sized Gnome outfit. Go ahead and judge me. Do it.

Do you use your powers for good or for awesome? Awesome. Always awesome. Anything less is fruitless. And speaking of powers, I would love to be able to read people’s minds – especially as they walk down the aisle. How fun would that be? And speaking of fruit, I’ve eaten my weight in cherries and raspberries this summer. I’m thinking I could have answered this question in haiku form.

Which wedding photographers do you follow/like? I have my google reader set up in several categories to follow blogs and I admit one of my categories is called “stalking photographers”. I figure I have stalkers so I should declare myself as a stalker while I’m at it. It’s all fair like that, you know?

I’ve found these photographers through countless hours of time on photography boards and reading photography magazines and while I’m sure there are oodles more out there that need to be stalked, I’m still finding my way through the folds.

When the following peeps post, my heart skips a beat:

Cliff Mautner, Apertura , Susan Stripling – their use of lighting and contrasting elements gives me goosebumps.

Jasmine Star– makes me laugh out loud. I always know that her remarks are going to put a smile on my face and if that doesn’t do it, then pictures of her dog Polo will. I adore her “you get what you see” nature and connection with her clients.

Impulse Photography, Fer Juaristi – these two taunt me constantly with their creativity.

I also follow a host of my closest photography friends, both locally & all over the world just to see what they are doing and give them a good ribbing the next time I see them at the next photography conference. There’s always subtle things that they don’t come out and say that I can see through their posts that give me good fodder 🙂