We set aside plenty of time for portraits because those were so important to Brittany & AJ. There were plans initially to run around downtown Dallas with the wedding party and carefully orchestrated times needed to walk to and from one location to another. In the end, the weather was not our best friend and we did all of our portraits at Union Station on the veranda. The beauty of the veranda was unsurpassed, and I’m positive that we could have found such lavish chairs anywhere in the downtown area! The location perfectly showcased the elegance and charm of the wedding decor and the gold and navy colors popped against the white and cream facade of Union Station.

I will not even pretend that wrangling this group (ahem, groomsmen and ushers) was easy. Brittany and AJ had given me ample warning and I brought every ounce of my A-game. Now don’t they look beautifully handsome and perfectly cooperative? Well, of course they do!