Hugo and I were sitting in my car drinking our Sonic sodas and just talking about life. We were early, as we normally are, and that’s just been part of our wedding day ritual – chilling in my car, hydrating and just chatting. A truck pulled up in front of the venue and a gentleman emerged with a box of flowers. “The florist is here!” we exclaimed. But then, the gentleman went back to the truck and emerged with what looked like a dress in a white bag and a shoebox and we were duly confused. “The groom?!” We searched facebook for a moment but we didn’t have a positive id so we gathered our gear and walked towards the front door.

It was indeed our groom and our first encounter was playful – “so that dress is going to look great on you!”. He laughed, at least I knew this guy had a sense of humor. But actually that wasn’t it – over the course of the evening I learned  AND saw how truly kind Jimbo is. Everyone loves him and for the exquisite reasons that he has an amazing kind heart and gentle demeanor. He was excited, so very excited to see Jill during their first look and not because he told me, but because you could see it in his eyes as he saw her for the first time in her dress. He hugged her, he held her tight, he was blissfully full of joy.