I have been working with Roman for a few years and only gotten to know him recently after he moved to Dallas. He’s a calm and collected presence at the office and we speak quite often, so I didn’t think twice about him casually walking up to me one day and asking if I could do some portraits for him.

But then things got a little fishy – “so excited about pics with the wife and Wylie [dog]”. Hmm, when he said it a second or third time, I knew something was up. Call it photographer’s intuition?

On the day of the portrait session, I met his wife Christie for the first time. We exchanged hellos and hugs and Roman starts his sentence “so… we have something…” and he went on tell me that he and Christie were expecting a little one. I am shocked that I let them finish their sentence – I’m not very good at things like that when I am excited – but I exclaimed “I KNEW IT!” so loud that half of the park heard me.

At the time of the session, they still did not know if they were expecting a boy or a girl so we did a little equal opportunity pink & blue photography. The passerbys at the park were really sweet, stopping often to congratulate them and give them some wise words of advice.  Wylie loved all of the attention as well.

PS – they are having a boy!