There are so many amazing things wrapped into one portrait session here that I might explode. First of all -it’s Consuelo and Dan – two of my favorite nuggets that got married 10 years ago. Yeah, that’s not a typo. Ten years ago. It was time for them to get some updated images and as luck would have it, we figured out that we lived a few blocks from each other. I don’t know a better definition for kismet.

Speaking of nuggets, they had recently fostered (and adopted) a little ball of fluff named Hattie Mae. And Hattie Mae is all about terrorizing her older fur-brother, Jack so I just laughed at her antics.

Now, I’m not going to pretend that I just found out that Consuelo and Dan live near me. We’ve known for a while and we have used it to our advantage to enjoy wine, cheese and sushi (not all at the same time) together. Dan is an incredible story teller who makes you literally laugh at loud. Consuelo is still that spunky, radiant soul I remember from, you know, like a decade ago.

Consuelo is also now my new partner in crime. Or in lack of sleep, anyway. She’s got me waking up at 5:15-ish to do boot camp every morning. And I have to tell you, she’s just as spunky at 5:30am. God help us all.