Brittany and I – we are in the same chapter, on the same page of the same book. We have squealed about wedding ideas and collaborated on all sorts of photographic details.We are loud when we are together and totally unapologetic about it.

Brittany and AJ – they are a beautiful interwoven story, a whole tome full of something very, very special. And it’s what I want every great couple to be: grounded, gracious, loving, exceptional … together.

I’m not one to pretend that I’m perfect so I will be forthcoming with how our portrait session went. I arrived very, very early- which is very much normal for me. I puttered around in my car catching up on emails and Facebook. At about 15 minutes until our scheduled start time, I  received a text from Brittany saying they were parking and heading my way. So I got out of the car, stretched, and opened my trunk and realized that I had a bag of lights in there but not a single darn piece of actual camera equipment. Not one.

You must be thinking that is impossible and ridiculous and really, it is both of those things. But it’s exactly what happens when you do something out of the norm and that’s just what happened that day. I had a long day of  creative meetings prior to AJ & Brittany’s portraits and I had dropped by the house to drop off the dog and pick up my gear in lieu of driving around with my gear all day. But you see, I had assumed that my gear was already in my trunk as it normally is and I drove right off after the dog was fed and the boyfriend was hugged.

The boyfriend saved the day, in true drive-by fashion – popping out of the car in the middle of the street, rolling the gear at me and then peeling off. We started one minute late and my embarrassment (heck yes I told them the truth!) turned right into that good old Lynn Michelle bossiness.

When I told AJ & Brittany the situation, Brittany just stood there for a moment pondering and AJ laughed. Then they looked at each other and said ‘Ok! So what now!?’. These two know how to work together seamless already, you can tell they can tackle any challenge (especially when their crazy photographer does something so very reckless).

And the lesson for me? Thanks goodness for Plan B (B stands for boyfriend in this story). O yeah, and put the stupid gear in your trunk. Duh.

dallas skyline photos engaged

dallas skyline photography couple